Kim's Lovable Doxies
AKC Mini and Tweenie Dachshunds
Smooth & Long Hair
Raised in a Family Home

All Dogs are Pets..."DACHSHUNDS" Are Family!
They are in the top 10 list for family pets.
Maybe we have your family member?
Quality Pets, Written Health Guarantee, Loved & Pre-Spoiled!
Wait List is Closed Until Everyone
Waiting Has A Chance To Get A Pup From
The Upcoming Litters.
EMAIL: kim_white79@icloud.com
EMAIL: kim_white79@yahoo.com
I am Kim White, A Licensed Breeder of 19 years experience.
Fort Littleton, PA 17223. Great Cove Kennel License #4886
Our dachshunds are smooth & long hair between 9 to 15 lbs.
We breed minis from 9-11 lbs. and tweenies 12-15 lbs.
All colors and patterns except double dapple.

Precious Moments

Gotta Love Those Dapple Long Hairs!
"A Sylvie & Gunner Pup from 2024.
"Quality Dachshund Pets"

Quality Dachshund Pets. We have some Champion Blood Lines & Some Show Potential Pups! Most Families are Looking for a Family Pet that is Healthy & Happy. All our pups leave with AKC Registration Papers with either Pet Limited Reg. or with Full Registration.
Multiple References from Satisfied and Happy Customers, Including Vet References.
Inspected & Licensed on 6-26-08 with Dog Law Enforcement with 100% Compliance. Inspected Twice a Year.
One Year Written Health Guarantee on Genetics . Puppies leave with 1st Shot and are De-Wormed. Health Record Given On Pickup Day.
Nutten Butt Doxies Here...!!
We were found to be in 100% Compliance with Compliments on my Dogs, Paperwork, Emergency Evacuation Plan, and their Living Environment.
Our Puppies Eat: "Nutri Source" Small and Medium Breed Puppy Chicken & Rice. Our Adults eat Nurti Source Chicken & Rice. They are supplemented with daily vitamins. Nursing Moms are supplemented with Calcium.
I currently breed for all colors: Reds< All Shades, Black & Tan, Black & Cream, Cream, Shaded Cream, Chocolate & Tan, Chocolate & Cream, Blue & Tan, Isabella & Tan, Solid Black, Solid Chocolate, Solid Blue, Solid Isabella. Patterns Include: Brindle, Piebald and Dapples.
Our Puppies are Born in our Home in the Nursery Rooms made just for Them!
I Personally assist the moms during the birthing process day or night to insure safe deliveries so pups are off to a good start. I make sure they nurse right away, I weigh each one as their born.

Hello! We are Clyde and Kim White, married for 41 years living in South Central PA.
We have two children and 4 grandchildren & an outside stray cat whom I feed daily. His name is "The CAT"... He is a nice one whom someone must of dropped off.
My husband & I have retired from owning and operating a Personal Care Retirement Facility for 33-1/2 years. We are downsized to a small group under 10 while converting to small one bedroom apartments with a mini kitchen. Clyde stays busy with an established Septic Hauling business. I stay busy caring for my doxies & puppies.
I am a "motherly" type of person who enjoys caring for people and living creatures. Several years ago I would rescue small kittens I would find outside and nurse them back to health and then find them a home. We have kept 4 in our home with us, but found homes for the other kittens, as I could not keep them all.
We first decided to get a Dachshund for Christmas the year of 2005.
We never owned a Dachshund before. Upon looking at the smooth coats, the lady asked if we ever seen a "long haired" Dachshund. We never knew there were long haired dachshunds. She had a litter that were 3 weeks old. They were adorable. We picked a little girl and named her Daisey.
Upon weekly visits to see our puppy, we noticed a little long haired red boy running around that was really cute. The folks said he wasn't for sale. He was going to be a breeder male for them. After two more visits the folks said, "If you still like him, he's for sale, we found another one". So we ended up going home with "Rosco" even before we got our little girl at 8 weeks old.
So as the story goes....They were intended to be "pet's" however, I thought I might enjoy breeding because they are so nice and lovable.
After much research and reading about breeding, I felt I was ready to give it a try.
Every delivery is exciting and nerve racking, hoping all goes well.
Sadly things can go wrong in a delivery, and we loose a pup here and there, or we end up at the emergency clinic with a c-section.
All in all it is hard work, from birth to 8 weeks with caring and cleaning, but always rewarding.
They love to lay in your lap and be center of attention.
When Rosco & Daisey were grown, the vet said Rosco was too big for Daisey, so we had to find a smaller male. So one dog lead to another, then another, then another....my Daughter said I have the "empty nest syndrome". My nest is not empty now!
Our dogs are our pets. It's like one huge family with lot's of kid's!
They all have different personalities, behaviors, and habit's.
My females are planned breedings, no "accident's" here.
I do not force breed my female's. If they turn the male away, then so be it.
They are not left with the male for the entire week to be hounded constantly by the male.
Ties with the male of choice are monitored to ensure a successful tie or not.
Due dates are then more accurate, and I am fully aware of when pups are due.
I do not leave the mother during labor and delivery even if it means I stay up all night. I assist if needed. I do cut the cords, stimulate, warm, and dry the puppy. I suction, and ensure they nurse right away on the mother.
Our female's are given their proper rest. They sit out for rest times during breeding years.
Some of our retired breeders may become available for adoption from time to time, and
they make wonderful companions.
I am very selective where my dogs go, and make sure it is a suitable placement.
Our breeding dogs are healthy, up to date on shots, and have regular wormings.
They all have straight teeth and backs, and good temperaments. We do not have any aggressive or biting dogs.
I have taken a pet CPR & First Aid Class, and also a lot of research and reading on whelping
and delivery before getting started.
I feel responsible for each and every puppy that is born, and make sure it has the best I can give.
Being the most important, it is my desire to breed for temperament, and then for conformation and color. I will not breed a Dapple to a Dapple, or a Dapple to a Piebald.
A Dapple to a Piebald is a double pattern, and you would not know how to registered it, you can only pick one. A Dapple bred to a Dapple makes a double dapple pattern and some pups can be born blind, deaf, or missing limbs. It is not worth the risk.
It is my desire to produce happy, healthy puppies in a home environment where they hear every day noises such as the phone, TV, sweeper, people talking, ect.
Puppies are held, loved and played with to help with the adjustment to a new home.
Puppies are fully weaned and separated from Mom at 6 week's old. This helps with the
adjustment to a new home. There is nothing worse than bringing home a new puppy that is not weened or been separated from Mom. My puppies are also taught to go potty on pee pads starting at 3-4 weeks. They soon learn to go "there" and not in their sleep and play area. This will help with outside training...which they are ready for when they leave.
I enjoy being able to offer a variety of color's, pattern's, and coat's, Everyone likes something
different, it's a matter of personal taste. I like that the "Dachshund" breed, do not all look alike.
We offer true Miniatures, 11 lbs or less at one year of age, and Tweenies, 12 lbs to 15 lbs. at one year of age. We do not breed for standards which are 16 lbs. to 35 lbs. However some of my pups might get to 16-20 lbs. as adults as a few of my breeders are out of larger champions lines.
I strive to better the breed by looking for quality pedigree's in my breeders. It is well worth the wait if you want a certain color or coat for a clean, well adjusted, happy, healthy puppy!
I spend countless hours with my dogs...a full time job that I love and enjoy very much.
OUR Location
Located in South Central PA, on the Turnpike
​Fort Littleton, PA 17223 Exit 180
Email: kim_white79@yahoo.com
Tel: 717-860-2988
Look for our Sign

Wait List Is Currently Closed. Please Check Back When I Will Be Taking New Names: Please include in the text box: If you've ever owned a dachshund before? Have any dogs or other pets currently?
Any small children? Fenced yard?
Color Request? Pattern Request?
Smooth or Long Hair Request?
Male or Female Request?
(Hit Submit When Completed)
