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Do's & Dont's with a New Puppy

  • Do pick your puppy or adult Dachshund up with both hands. Put one hand under their hind quarters, one hand under their chest. This supports their lower back and spine. Picking up your puppy or adult under the armpits and leaving the hind quarters dangling like you would a baby is bad for their long torso and back. 



  • Do monitor small children while playing or holding the puppy so they do not jump out of their arms to the floor or pick them up wrong. Puppies are wiggly and full of energy.


  • Don't allow them to jump off your bed, couch or chair. Teach them to use ramps or dog steps. A good rule of thumb is "if they can't get on it...then they shouldn't jump off of it."


  • Don't allow puppies to do flights of stairs. This is bad for their back. One or two steps is okay. Use baby gaits to close off a stair case. If you live in a 2nd story home or upper level apartment, carry your Dachshund up or down the flight of stairs.


  • Don't pour water over the puppies heads when bathing, to prevent water from getting down into their ears.

       Try a wash cloth on their face, nose & ears.


  • Don't stick a Q-tip down in the ear canal of your puppy. Use a cotton wipe or cotton ball for excess ear wax on the inside of the ear. You can flush their ears out with a rinse that has a drying agent in it found at your local vet or pet store if they get a waxy build up.


  • Don't take your new puppy to highly public areas where other dogs are; like store's that allow pets on leash, or a public dog park until they have completed ALL their puppy vaccines & rabies vaccine. The puppy distemper vaccines helps prevents Parvo, and you need to protect your new baby till it is fully immunized.


  • Do remember to get a dog license at the age of 3 months.


  • Do remember the rabies vaccine at the age of 3 months.


  • Do make time for daily play. This is a good time to bond with your puppy. Leash train early and take for short walks.


  • Do socialize your puppy to new people, places & things from 3 months to 6 months. This will really help with the puppies disposition as an adult.


  • Do keep Children's Liquid Benadryl on hand as a puppy and as an adult dog. Puppies & adults dogs can have allergic reactions to shots or bee stings. Always have a syringe handy with the Benadryl, and check with your vet as to "how much" to give should this happen.


  • Do keep emergency numbers for your vet and emergency clinic's nearby or saved on your cell phone in case of an emergency. Ask for a magnet you can put on your refrigerator. One tends to panic in an emergency.


  • Do remember to kiss and hug your puppy/dog a lot! They are very affectionate and needs this to survive!

                                                These are just some of my own thoughts that might be helpful!

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